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LANGEEKS - LGUK 7 - 23rd - 25th March - Milborne St Andrews

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:54 pm
by cygnes
Short notice, but better late than never.

Who Are We?

Indeed the most important question of them all, so important i’ve put it at the top for all to see, LANGEEKS or Dorset Lan Events run LAN Party Events called LGUK, at present we have 4 Staff that run these events we have been doing LAN's since 2009 and generally have around 3-4 per year.
We arrange sponsors and other side events, organise fun and sometimes prize Tournaments, the rest is down to you, our attendees create the atmosphere and so far it’s been a great.

What happens At LANGEEKS Events ?

At LGUK events you will find that friday’s are chilled, nothing is planned since some are coming from work and need extra time to arrive, so we normally try and put a film on our main screen, and/or just have a general chat with mates, some will host their own games, others will just watch films on their own computers, whatever floats your boat.. just do what makes you happy !!

Saturday we try and introduce some structure, providing fun and sometimes prize tournaments to those who want to take part, of-course you don’t have to take part in any of the games organised by us, but it’s more fun if you do !! Saturday night we also put a film on our projector, or sometimes you will find some random funny clips from YouTube bieng played by some of our regulars, it’s also the night we get a large Chinese order in, we generally all eat around a large communal table, we find this gives people a chance to have a chat, but can make for some really interesting disscusions, and some really weird ones, however where you eat is your choice.
Later Saturday when it’s more subdued you will find more Tournaments and chatting among friends/new friends.

Sunday’s brings on the last day of LGUK events, and also the day LGUK staff cook, yup that’s right we provide FREE of charge to you, a fully loaded (if you wish) breakfast roll, then afew more planned games and the chance to take part in our year long Tournament, which will include F1 2010 (F1 2011 when I get it), WipeoutHD, & Dead Nation, you are free to take part in this side event, however the more LGUK events you attend, the better score you get, Highest score gets something at our last event of the year, after this it’s pretty much tidy up and pack up time for LGUK staff (regulars have helped us with this in the past).

So overall it’s a pretty chilled out and easy going place to be, we don’t pressure you to play, infact as long as your happy, LGUK are happy, but please do let us know if there is anything you don’t like, or that you think could be improved, we are always open to suggestions and welcome those who can help LGUK events become even better.

Date & Time:

Start: Friday 23rd March 2012 9:30pm ( due to late setup )

End: Sunday 25th March 2012 5:00pm


Milborne St Andrews Village Hall

The Causeway,

Milborne St. Andrew,

Blandford Forum,


DT11 0JX

Pricing Info:

Our charge for early payment is £25 when paid 30 Days before the Event.

Our Charge is £30 within the last 30 days.

Extra Space:

Each additional extra seat is £15 – Please specify during booking for event.